Academic Adjustments

Students with documented disabilities are entitled by law to have necessary academic adjustments (modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services) provided by the college. Academic adjustments may not lower academic standards, substantially alter a program or a course's essential requirements, pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others, or place undue financial hardship on the institution.

It is important to understand that academic adjustments do not guarantee academic success, nor do they provide an advantage to a student. They serve to "level the playing field" and provide equal access to the College's programs, services, and activities.

There is no general access plan that is appropriate for all students or for a particular disability. Students may require different academic adjustments in different courses. The most appropriate plan provides equal access coupled with consideration of the disability and documentation, student preferences, program, faculty, and institutional requirements for a particular course, and applicable laws.

  • Academic adjustments may include, but are not limited to:
  • Test-taking modifications
  • Print materials in alternative formats
  • Auxiliary aids, such as calculators, word processors, specialized computer software or hardware
  • Special classroom seating
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Auxiliary services, such as sign language interpreters

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To receive modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services, students must engage in the interactive process by:

Identifying the disability. Students may self-identify at any time. The Baker Center for Learning is the designated campus contact for students with disabilities. If identification is made to another staff or faculty member, he or she should notify the Coordinator and advise the student to contact the Coordinator.

Providing the Coordinator of Access and Equity Services with current, appropriate documentation of the disability. Guidelines for documentation are available in the Baker Center for Learning. All documentation should identify the nature of the disability, how the disability will limit participation in courses, programs, services, student employment, or activities, and the need for specific academic adjustments (or in the case of student employment, reasonable accommodation).

Work with Baker Center for Learning staff and classroom faculty to develop an appropriate access plan. Each semester, following a meeting with an appropriate BCL staff member, students will be given copies of an Access Plan Memorandum identifying recommended modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services. Students are responsible for providing a copy of the memo to the instructor of each course in which he or she plans to use any part of the access plan.

The college encourages students to meet with faculty members early in the semester during office hours to discuss specific needs and method(s) for modifications within a particular course.

The need for academic adjustment is not negotiable, but there may be alternate ways to provide access for a particular student. If a student and faculty member are unable to agree on how to implement the academic adjustments, consult with the Baker Center for Learning, or Scott Bennett, Coordinator of Tutoring and Accommodation Services. The college is committed to providing appropriate modifications, and/or auxiliary aids and services for students with disabilities while maintaining academic standards of excellence.

If a faculty member believes that any academic adjustments will substantially alter the fundamental objectives of a course or program, he or she should immediately consult with the Coordinator of Access & Equity Services. In the event that the faculty member disagrees with the Coordinator, he or she should follow the grievance procedure.

The Baker Center for Learning maintains a variety of assistive technology for student use including Premier Accessibility Suite, Window-Eyes screenreaders, Kurzweil 1000, ZoomText, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Smart Pens, Digital Recorders, Inspiration, and other software.

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Students with disabilities have the right to:

  • full and equal access to and the opportunity to participate in all programs, services, and activities of the College
  • be evaluated based on ability, not disability
  • academic adjustments and reasonable accommodations
  • appropriate auxiliary aids and services
  • privacy: no confidential information will be released without consent except as permitted or required by law
  • information and course materials readily available in accessible formats.

Students with disabilities have the responsibility to:

  • identify their disability in a timely manner to the Baker Center for Learning and, when an academic adjustment is desired, seek information, counsel, and assistance as needed
  • provide the Baker Center for Learning, current, relevant, appropriate documentation in a timely manner
  • follow published procedures for obtaining academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and services, or reasonable accommodations (for student employment)
  • meet college, course, and program qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for academic standing, courses, programs, services, employment, and activities
  • abide by the Student Code of Conduct.

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Security and Emergency Procedures

All medical and emergency problems that occur on campus are handled by the Office of Campus Police. If a student has a disability that may result in a medical emergency (or the perception of one) or if the student will require assistance in the event of emergency evacuation, he/she should notify the Office of Campus Police, Room 118, 607-844-6511. Additional information is available in a brochure titled "Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities."

For additional information contact

Carolyn Boone
Chief Policy & Compliance Officer, Title IX Coordinator
Room 229
607.844.8222, Ext. 4283

Scott Bennett
Coordinator of Accommodation Services
607.844.8222, Ext. 4416

John Geer 
Vice President of Human Resources, Affirmative Action Officer
607.844.8222, Ext. 4440

If you believe your rights have been violated, you may file a grievance under the college's student grievance policy or you may file a complaint with the college's affirmative action officer.